About / Bio
MonicaHill isthe Broker/Owner of MVP Real Estate&Investments LLC. A Small,WomanOwned, MinorityOwned Business.
Monica has been licensed in California for more than 29 years and runs a highly successfulteamof Certified, Licensed Commercial and Residential Full Service Real Estate Professionals known as “TheDream Team”.
Monica has served as the 2019-2020 President of the California Association of Real Estate Brokers (CAREB®). She is one of only 3 female who have served as Presidents over CAREB’s 66-year history. Her past services include 4 years asthe President of(NAREB®)Inland EmpireChapter (IEAOR), 1year as 3rd Vice-President over Education, 2 years as the 2nd Vice President over Membership and Sponsorship, 3 years on the (CAREB ®). Board of Directors and currently the Regional Vice President of (NAREB®) Region XV which consist of Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington State.
Monica’s beeninstrumentalincomposingandconductingnumerousEducational Training Seminarsto enhance the knowledgeoftheever-changingRealEstateMarket. She hasassistedhundredsofindividualswithinthe
communitywithHomeownership, andHomeRetention.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and Organizational Leadership degree from the University of California Riverside.